Easy-to-use SMS Messaging Module
Send SMS notifications using CRM
No credit card required
5-minute setup
Why Choose Us
Our Commitment, Your Success
Exceptional Messaging Solutions
Experience dedicated support, dependable service, and outstanding features with WhatsApp and Telegram notifications, all starting at just $45 per month.
Reminders and Notifications
Bulk Messaging
Smart Cascades: Messenger-first, then SMS
Birthday greetings
Unlimited messaging, subscription only
And much more...
Transparent Pricing
Enjoy a clear pricing model with no hidden fees or surcharges. Pay only for your subscription, with all features, operators, and affiliate costs included.
Seamless No-Code Integrations
Leverage our pre-built integrations with leading CRM and CMS platforms. Chategy offers a completely code-free setup, ensuring easy management and deployment.
Smart Cascades
Unlimited messaging
Reminders & Notifications
Quick Setup
Elevate Your Communication in 4 Steps
Easily sync your CRM or CMS with our platform using customizable modules.
Set up personalized notifications and triggers directly within your CRM for enhanced engagement.
Link your WhatsApp and Telegram accounts to our system for seamless integration.
Done! Welcome to the next level of customer communication!
Exceptional Prices, Exceptional Service
Telegram & WhatsApp
CRM integrations
10 days free
Telegram & WhatsApp
CRM integrations
10 days free
Bulk Messaging
Additional Altegio notification: visit confirmation
Telegram & WhatsApp
CRM integrations
10 days free
Unlimited Messaging
Additional Altegio notification: upsell opportunities and invitations for repeat visits
Trusted by Our Partners
Seamlessly integrated with top CRM and CMS platforms
Get Started
Experience a 10-day free trial with a 5-minute setup
No credit card required