Set up integration and send individual, bulk, and automated messages from UniSender to WhatsApp & Telegram
No credit card required
5-minute setup
10 days free
How to setup UniSender & WhatsApp / Telegram integration
Register on and activate your plan
Albato offers a free plan that gives you up to 100 tasks per month—perfect for low-volume needs. Get started with seamless automation at no cost! 🚀
Choose a trigger / data source, where from you will send a data to WhatsApp/Telegram or SMS via Chategy Connect
Choose from a variety of triggers within Albato to automatically send data to your preferred messaging platform.
For example - UniSender
Choose from a variety of triggers within Albato to automatically send data to your preferred messaging platform.
For examples: Download contact list, Changing the recipient's subscription status (subscribed to the list for the first time), Changing the recipient's subscription status (subscribed to the list)
Then click on "actions"
Choose "Chategy Connect" and "Send a message via messengers" to WhatsApp/Telegram
Register on
Just follow instructions by this link customers/sign_up
Setup your chategy connect account
Activate your account's subscription (starts from 15$)
Choose channels you want to activate, and order (top is the first)
Autorize WhatsApp and, if needed, Telegram
Open "Integrations" on Chategy Connect and copy your bearer token
Paste it to "Token" field on Albato
Click "Save" and that's it, congrats, but if you have any questions, feel free to reach us